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Chris' self-destructive quest may have cost him (or Jaden) his life and he didn't make a meaningful impact on the larger world, but he did manage to help this one person. This is shown when Chris manages to get Hayley (Amanda Drew) the password to her deceased daughter's Smithereen account, to help her find some closure. Rather, the episode's about accepting that you as an individual can't fix a systemic problem alone, but you can make a difference to those close to you. Because honestly, what were those people shrugging at the news update on their phone supposed to do instead? Something horrible on this scale (or worse) happens in the world multiple times a day you can't realistically expect people to cry or spur into action that often. Critics and fans often point to this ending as being a commentary on society's collective apathy, but I think that's selling the episode short.

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This event that seemed so important to us is just another thing to scroll through on these people's social media feeds. At first glance, it seems like a simple commentary on how social media desensitizes us to real-life tragedy.

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